SD Card Limit???

Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User



I have a Actonia A1-810 with 32GB sd card. The problem I have is the card will not accept more than about 3.5-4GB of music. It was formated FAT32 and I have been dowloading albums from the cloud and then moving them from internal to external storage. However once I get to a certain level it takes no more. When an additional album or set of tracks are transferred, these are dropped into storage but itreplaces something that was previously there, leaving an empty filder.


I have now done this three times - format card, transfer albums, etc. and am now at a loss


Perhaps any of you can advise.



Best Answer

  • Frankernest
    Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User
    Answer ✓

    Hi Both


    Call off the dogs!!

    I went back to first principles and put the micro sd card into the holder and put in PC. I formatted it and then proceeded to do the same tasks. Downloaded the music from Amazon Cloud then copied the files onto the card. Then I added some more - as I did with the tablet. Low and behold the same result. So nothing to do with the tablet and all to do with the card. Funny but the card doesn't seem to have a file size limitation but a number of files restriction.

    I bought a 16GB card this a.m. and copied the musinc onto it and the tablet reads OK.

    I'll be sending the Card back to Amazon, where I got it, asking for a replacement.

    Sorry to have disturbed you all.




  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Can you test the card on a different machine, format it and copy more than 4GB of data over to see if the problem is with the card or with the tablet? Is the card a reputable brand from a reputable source? There are a *lot* of counterfeit cards on the market and it's not unusual for one to tell you it's 32GB when it's actually 4GB or smaller...

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  • Frankernest
    Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User

    Hi Billsey

    I formatted the card again and put it in my PC. I pasted 3 files totalling about 6GB and without further change inserted it into the tablet. Storage shows: Total space: 31.23GB Available : 25.42GB, so that seems OK.

    I will now try to download the albums again and see what happens.

    I'll be back



  • Frankernest
    Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User

    Hi Billsey

    I bave downloaded and coppied over several tranches of albums. Each album went into a dedicated folder creted by the copy. I put them into the root of the sd card rather than a 'Music' folder. The first 8 went in OK. In total I copied 16 and I now have 10 empty folders there and 6 albums - all the initial ones being replaced.


    It is quite mysterious



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer
    FAT32 can't handle single files bigger than 4gb.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Frankernest
    Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User

    Hi Ironfly


    Yes I realise that, however this is what I have recently tried.


    In order to check the sd card, from my PC I pasted onto the sd card 3 video files totalling about 7GB.


    I downloaded a number of albums into the tablet and then moved each onto the sd card as individual files. Each had all the tunes in. I then repeated the exercise with another group. The upshot was I was left with 16 files - one for each album title. However I only now have 6 of these file with tunes in - the latest albums downloaded. All the earlier one are now empty.


    The video files are still on the SD Card.


    It is very weird to me.



  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Very weird to me as well, the only thing I can think of at the moment is the application that's acually placing the files on the card. Can you pull the sames ones down, but this copy them from the SD card to the PC after each set has downloaded? At least then you could restore the missing from the PC when the problem appears. I'd like to see if the files can all beplaced on the SD card from the PC (to make sure it's not a 'number of files' issue instead of a 'size of files' issue.

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  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Yes, as Billsey said, can be that A1 can't handle too much files (can be the number or the total size) to transfer.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Frankernest
    Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User
    Answer ✓

    Hi Both


    Call off the dogs!!

    I went back to first principles and put the micro sd card into the holder and put in PC. I formatted it and then proceeded to do the same tasks. Downloaded the music from Amazon Cloud then copied the files onto the card. Then I added some more - as I did with the tablet. Low and behold the same result. So nothing to do with the tablet and all to do with the card. Funny but the card doesn't seem to have a file size limitation but a number of files restriction.

    I bought a 16GB card this a.m. and copied the musinc onto it and the tablet reads OK.

    I'll be sending the Card back to Amazon, where I got it, asking for a replacement.

    Sorry to have disturbed you all.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Good you solved.


    not need to apologize, Frank, bad SD can happen.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,677 Trailblazer

    Great to hear that you have it sorted! I wonder if the files themselves were also getting corrupted, even though they seemed to copy fine. Was the Vendor Amazon itself or one of the vendors that uses Amazon as a sales venue. The latter might have a better chance of distributing counterfeit cards...

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • Frankernest
    Frankernest Member Posts: 6 New User

    It was Amazon itself. So it is possible that it was just a faulty card. I guess I'll never know.

    Thanks again


  • HsinHung_Yu
    HsinHung_Yu Member Posts: 7


    I used to have problems with SanDisk 64GB microSDXC, however, I formatted on the Android device (IconiaTab A101) and everything is fine for more than 2 years now. 


    My observation, try not to swap from device to device, especially, with Microsoft Windows.  Thus, I run Android device as ftp server and Windows machine as ftp client.  I normally, upload (send files to Android device) and download (receive files from Android device) via WiFi to avoid card reading issue.

  • rogier
    rogier Member Posts: 4 New User

    good to know!!

  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    There is a program h2testw that can verify the actual capacitiy of an SD card or flash drive. It takes a while but is very thorough. I found a countefeit 64GB drive that way.