Acer Aspire 5541 G with Amd Athlon II M300 is it replace able processor or not?

slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives

Hi every one!!

I bought this laptop like in 2010 and I never had any problem using it in these four years ... but last week sudenly it stops booting ... when i Press the power button ... every thing turn up ... I can hear the fan sound and all the Led lights lightining up but nothing apears on the screen and after like 3 or 4 seconds ... every thing goes down ... 


I did a search and find that my VGA need to be re flowed ... as i never did that before I want to replace the Mother board as it looks bit easy and not so expensive for me ... but after searching on the internet all the boards came without the processor ...


In simple words Is my Processor (AMD Athlon II M 300) is replace able so i can put it on a new motherboard or not?


and will i be facing any other problem when i install back the ram, wifi card , and most importantly LCD ... does it have a diffirent port ?


thanks in advance ... thought this acer community is bit slow on replying


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    We're not ready yet to consider reflow. First, check out the graphics adapter by VGAing out to an external monitor.  You might have to toggle the monitor on using the Fn+F6 or similar key combo. Report back.




    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • slimshadyit
    slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User

    Thanks for replying so quickly ... Yes I did tried VGA out with an external moniter and tried pressing fn+VGA ... but nothing happend ... as computer turn off after 3 or 4 seconds eventually when i turn it on ... I could hear the fan voice and ... cd rom nois though in those 4 seconds but nothing apears on the screen ... not even the boot screen with acer logo ... but the power light stayed on ...

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    OK, next step. Do you ***hear*** any evidence, like the Windows welcome melody, that Windows is in fact booting from a cold boot  even though you have a black screen?


    If not, and before powering off the machine, first press the WinKey. Let go.  Then press the Right Arrow key. Let go. Then press the Enter key. Listen carefully for the Windows exit melody. Do you hear anything? More importantly, does the power light go off after you've pressed this 3 key sequence?


    Jack E/NJ 

    Jack E/NJ

  • slimshadyit
    slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User

    after 4 seconds of turrning it on the Computer turned off but Power light doesn't goes off ... the fan stops and then nothing happen ... I left the computer for like 30 minutes and did try to put my windows password but nothing happens not even the windows welcome melody ... which means ... it stops right after 4 seconds ...
    but i will give a try a try as you said ... those key sequences ... i will report you tomorrow ... 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    If you use a password to enter Windows, I would do so a minute or so after booting up---not wait 30 mins. Good luck.


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • slimshadyit
    slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User

    well theres no diffirence between 3 and 30 ... the thing is ... the window is not bootingup

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    OK. If you don't hear any power-on self-test (post) beep failure codes immediately after powering up the machine, the next step for me would be to remove the battery, keyboard, screen bezel and back cover in order to re-seat all the accessible connectors for the graphics & webcam ribbon cables, for the HDD, and any other removable connectors you can find and easily reach. Then before trying to put it ***all*** back together, carefully re-insert the battery and give it a test. If you still get the same result, then we can discuss taking more drastic measures.


    Jack E/NJ        

    Jack E/NJ

  • slimshadyit
    slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User

    sorry for the late reply ... but I did as  you said ... but didn't work anything .... 
    do you have any more suggestions?? 

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    At this point, it seems you have little to lose by trying to reflow after removing all connectors and plug-in modules/chips. Good luck.


    Jack E/NJ



    Jack E/NJ

  • slimshadyit
    slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User

    Thanks for replys ... but my primary question was ... I never did reflow ... and changing mother board looks bit year to me ... the question is 
    can i remove my AMD processor from old mother board and put it on a new amd compatible board or not ... ?

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    ***BEFORE*** you buy a MB replacement or try to reflow the old MB, you must first remove ALL the connectors and plug-in modules/chips INCLUDING the AMD module. Here's a video on one method for reflowing


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • JuanPi
    JuanPi Member Posts: 2 New User

    I bought that computer the same year and day before yesterday it happens the same as yours.


    It seems to be Planned Obsolescence.


    ¿Do you want to put another type of motherboard?

    I think you'll have no problem If you buy the same board.


    Here you have a video opening the thing

  • rdefranc
    rdefranc Member Posts: 1 New User



    have you solved the reported problem? I had the same problem as you and bought another MB. Nothing changed... same situation that before... So, if you do solved the problem and friendly could explain how did you do that, i would apreciate so much!

  • slimshadyit
    slimshadyit Member Posts: 13 New User

    no i havnt find the solution yet ... looking for a mother board replacement 

  • Dudidum
    Dudidum Member Posts: 8


    Hi there!


    I had the same problem as you guys with an Acer Aspire 5541 (no G) but luckily I solved my Problem.

    It was the GPU unit that seemed to have some bad soldered joints (its a BGA module), so I reflowed it with some flux, a heat gun and a thermometer to get the temperature right. The laptop works again and I wrote this post on it.

    I don't know if it's a permanent fix or just temporarily.

    What I noticed on the mainboard are the "LEAD FREE" signs (Letters Pb in a circle and crossed out once) which means that they used lead free solder tin.

    If you have kowledge on this topic you might know that it is not as failsafe as the leaded solder tin. Maybe that causes problems in the sense that some joints might fail over time  (As far a s I know it rarely happens though).


    I will repost here what I posted in another thread about my reflow.




    For the following part:






    GPU UNIT = SUBSTRATE ON WHICH THE GPU DIE IS MOUNTED (or in other words: the plate on which the DIE is mounted, not the DIE itself)



    1. Completely strip your mainboard including the CPU, CPU fan and the protective plastic on the GPU unit (if there is any).
    2. Put flux around the GPU unit (so it can flow under the GPU unit).
      Also put some flux on each of the small smd components on the GPU unit.
    3. Take a sheet of baking paper and cut out a rectangular hole 1cm larger than the GPU unit and place it on the mainboard so all you can see is the GPU unit.
    4. Take a heat gun and a temperatur measurement meter. Try to get 210-230°C in a distance of 4-5cm.
      The right temperature is very important since you can easily damage your board even more!
    5. Place the heat gun directly over the GPU unit (4-5 cm away so you have the measured temperature) and heat the GPU unit for about 5-8 minutes. Check the Temperature in the near of the surface of the GPU unit from time to time.
    6. Let it cool down until it is hand warm.
    7. Test it.

    That worked for me!

    If you have some questions, ask away.
    This won't work if the GPU chip itself got faulty. If so, you need to replace it.

    It may work with my method, but I never tried to replace a BGA chip^^.




    Have fun!

