Iconia W3-810 issues with WIFI

donelle Member Posts: 3 New User

Hi i am new to this and also a pensioner but that should not be an issue.   I have just purchased a iconia w3-810 and having trouble with downloading, the product is registered and activated. my op system is sierra wireless mobile sys. 4g, but my pc desktop is windows 7 . do i have to upgrade my pc to win8 ? hope someone can help


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 34,984 Trailblazer


    It's not completely clear how your tablet is connected to the internet. Typically a 4G connection is for a phone. I'm not familiar with your service. Does it have a gizmo that plugs into your computer or is it a box that gives you a WiFi network that your computers connect to?


    That doesn't matter for your question about your other computer. It doesn't need to be upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8 unless you wish to have the same 'look and feel' on both machines.


    What are you trying to download? What programs do you start in order to try? With some more details we can probably help.


    Best regards,


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  • donelle
    donelle Member Posts: 3 New User

    Hi  my internet connection is a' telstra sierra wireless mobile broadband  4g (satterlite) usb plug in device. my problem is trying to navigate the apps store. and connecting and downloading ebooks and music for starters. my iconia w3-810 is windows8 and is not android. my web. IE mail is connected as windows live mail.  donelle


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 34,984 Trailblazer

    OK, that helps. Do other Internet tasks work, such as web browsing? If so then you should verify your login information is correct, with both upper and lower case typing as appropriate. Or is it a general Internet problem we'll want to look at drivers for the satellite card. You may also have a login for the satellite service.

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  • donelle
    donelle Member Posts: 3 New User

    Thank you for your help . I have just had the help of a high school student who put me on the right track. and should be o k now.

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