Slow boot on AX3400G

billh Member Posts: 2 New User

Can anyone help me with the slow boot on my AX3400G-U4802?  The computer freezes for 5 minutes during boot before the Windows logo appears.  Bootlog starts after Windows starts so it doesn't show this delay.  Thanks in advance.


  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    First steps for troubleshooting a slow regular boot is to boot the system into Safe Mode.

    If it boots at a normal speed, then it is likely items that are loading in normal mode that are causing the slow down.


    General suggestions to improve system speed include:


    Run disk cleanup or clean manager from windows.

    Run checkdisk and defrag your hardisk.

    Update your antivirus and scan your PC.

    Check for virii, trojans and spyware.

    Uninstall programs which you do not use regularly.


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