Is Acer T232HL touch screen compatible with Lenovo Yoga (Win 8)?

rmlnewton Member Posts: 1 New User

I understand from a Best Buy review (posted 10/31/12) that the Acer T232HL touch screen monitor freezes the Lenovo Yoga when it goes to sleep. Has this problem been fixed?


  • Joshua188
    Joshua188 Member Posts: 523 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon

    it should be, the only thing i would see as an issue if there is software loaded on the Lenovo unit that would be causing a conflict causing it to lock up. take a look at the startup aplications you have and see if any of them may be causing the issue. this would not be an issue with the monitor thankfully. this would be an issue with the OS/software you have on the unit. Wish you best of luck finding a fixc for this.

  • AJKnowles
    AJKnowles Member Posts: 1 New User


       I just purchased the screen yesterday and I get the same problem. When the Yoga13 goes to sleep then the Acer & the Yoga screens become unresponsive to touch, as does the Lenovo touchpad. the only solution is to do a hard switch off of the Yoga.

    I did notice that the Microsoft Defender software seemed to kick-in (35% of processor time) so I wonder if its related to that device. Right now If I cant find a solution than I have to return the monitor :-(



    Kind regards,


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