Aspire M5 481PT lots of problems

NatalieH Member Posts: 1 New User

So I recently got my Aspire Notebook for Christmas and installed Sims 3 on it. It was fine before that, and that night after Sims 3 was installed, but the next day lots of things happened. It couldnt run Sims 3 even though it has HD Graphics 4000. Now it doesnt recognize Sims 3 cds at all, it is slow opening apps, wi-fi is slow as well, and now the touchpad will not work, at all.....could it be that this notebook had windows 7 on it, then they upgraded it to windows 8? noticed others were having problems with the update.


  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    The M5-481PT is shipped with Windows 8.


    Why it would suddenly slow down after the installation of one game I do not know.


    As you have little invested in the installation of programs at this point, I would suggest recovering the system to factory and doing updates.  See how it performs then.  Make one program change at a time to pinpoint where you may be having issues.

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