Could battery be dead?

FAM Member Posts: 1 New User

After not using my Acer Aspire One Netbook for several months, went to turn it on this morning, connected to a power supply to charge it up, but it won't turn on.......could battery be dead?  Or??


  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder

    Hi FAM


    If your laptop is connected via the charger, then it should boot regardless.


    Is there any lights on the laptop when you connect the charger, or is it completely dead? If there is a light, leave it for a few hours, then try to boot. If there are no lights at all, then the charger itself may have died.


    You can try this too:


    Remove the charger, and with the machine switched off, remove the battery and any attached USB items. Press and hold the power button for 60 seconds, then release. Insert the battery and connect the charger. Switch on to see if it now boots. If still nothing, then it will be the charger.

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