Aspire 7600u Internet problem

Xohan Member Posts: 1 New User

So i just got this PC home and updated it and so on, but my internet is going really slow whatever im doing, for example i can barely watch a video on youtube without waiting 10 minutes for it to load.
i have a 100mb/10mb internet connection at home and im using it wireless, does any1 know why this is happening? 


  • Blayn-Acer
    Blayn-Acer Administrator Posts: 2,355 Community Administrator

    There are many factors that can cause wireless internet to run slowly.


    1. Do you have the same problem if you try to connect it with a wired connection?

    2. Have you tried to power cycle your wireless router? You can do this by unplugging it for 10 seconds, then plugging it back in.

    3. Do you have other wireless devices connected to your router?

    4. Have you tried other websites or videos?

  • rizwan84
    rizwan84 Member Posts: 4 New User

    Hi i experienced the same when i got mine .are you using the app to view youtube  or the any standard web browser.if you'r using the app preloaded with windows 8 or 8.1 some of them might take long for start but any web browser should be opening them straight away for you ..


    Then again check your router as well so restart all the connections . reset router and keep the power cable unpluged for 3 minutes and also restart your compter .and if your router supports 5ghz connection use that.



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