Pleas help restoring PC

stevebzzzzz Member Posts: 2 New User



My system was working perfectly until I decided to experiement lol.  I created a data partition (DSmiley Happy by making my (CSmiley Happy smaller and adding a partition.  Everything worked fine until I wanted to do a system recovery of my (CSmiley Happy drive.


When I did eRecovey it shows the error message "Hard Disk configuration is not set set to factory default"


So I deleted the extra partion and returned (CSmiley Happy to it's origianal size.  But I'm still getting the same error message.  The recovery partition is still intact as far as I can see.  I searched around and all I could find was some mentions of the Master Boot Record being proprietary to ACER ???


Please Help


  • Yaman
    Yaman Member Posts: 6 New User

    I am not sure about your problem but you can try few things:


    Firt go to your BIOS setting and set default and reboot.


    If the problem persists, than there might be an option in BIOS called D2D recovery that helps to restore the OEM provided OS to your system. But if this is some sort of partition problem i dont think it will do anything with your partition. D2D recovery is available only if you have recovery partition installed by your vendor or acer during the time of purchase and if you have not formatted it.


    Let me know if it helps you...

  • stevebzzzzz
    stevebzzzzz Member Posts: 2 New User



    The Alt-F10 trick worked.  I put the partions back to normal, then tried the acer restore, but it gave me the error message again.  I then rebooted, used alt-F10 and the recovery worked from there.  I really would like to make an extra partition on my c drive, but I fear if I alter the partition table that the restore feature wont work.  I got lucky this time lol.  I think I will image the system myself, and use that backup to serve as my fail safe.


    Thanks again

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