

Member Posts: 2 New User

I bought Acer Timeline U M5-481TG recently from asia, and since i brought it to africa, i have not enjoy it for a day without power. The problem is that anytime i unplug the  power cable, it shuts down and crash. Unless i reboot again which is giving me fair of spoiling the system. 

I noticed that the battery might be faulty.It has inbult battery. I have searched every where to get the battery online, but to no avail. I dont even know the battey model talkless of how it looks like. And acer customer service sucks. They cant even tell me where to get the battery or the type of battery it uses since it is inbult.

Please what type of battery is compatable with thisAcer_Timeline_U_M5_481TG_6814_35332512_05_610x436q.JPG laptop and any suggestion how to fix the issue

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  • Member Posts: 805 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Daniel, this is an American-built Ultrabook. If you bought it in Asia, you bought it used. The photo of your laptop is cut and pasted from the CNET review.


    This laptop has an unusual feature: the integrated battery is built into the system and cannot be removed or replaced. Acer Customer Service would have told you the same thing I am telling you. 

  • Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thanks for the reply sir. Actually i copied the picture from the net. Also as per the laptop, they never tell me that it is irreplacable, they just said i should check some other countries website and contact them.

    This is kind of harsh from acer to do laptop without an extra battery as an accerssory so that it can be bought online.

    Does that mean there is nothing i can do about it ? In my country,i have very unstable power supply which can be caught off any time without notice.That is the kind of problem am facing now?

    Any alternative? There must be a way out no matter what sir.

  • Member Posts: 805 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Daniel, I'm sorry that this has happened to you. When you buy a computer in one country while living in another, you're going to have problems if something goes wrong. The fact that your computer might be used or even stolen isn't helping any.


    I would contact the sites that Acer told you to contact. If that doesn't work, I advise you to take it to a reputable computer shop to see what they tell you.

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