A500 Problem with native browser/gmail/facebook

JonathanU Member Posts: 2 New User

Since Saturday, I have been having problems running Gmail, Facebook, and the native browser on my Iconia A500. The native browser attempts to start, but shows only a blank screen. I get Gmail notifications, and in the Gmail app itself, there are mesages listed, but when I attempt to click on one it never loads (except for one very short one, seemingly just plain text, which did load) and the Gmail app crashes. Likewise, Facebook freezes at the login screen after you enter your login, and Yahoo Fantasy Football which also freezes while loading data.


Firefox, and Chrome work, however, so I'm guessing this is a software problem rather than hardware. Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to find a non-browser based alternative to the Gmail app that does not freeze on startup.


I am wondering if some important library got corrupted somehow when I did some upgrades last week, which killed rendering of HTML content. I ended up doing a factory reset on the tablet, but it did not solve the problem, so I am confused. Shouldn't the factory reset have restored a working copy of all libraries? Could the updates that I did last week have something to do with this? I am running Android 4.0.3. One other thing, the startup time has been a bit long on the ACER screen lately. Could this be an undetected virus? An SD card problem? I'm stumped.


I appreciate any help and/or hints.


  • roadwarrior796
    roadwarrior796 Member Posts: 273 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    You could use a browser for checking your E mail in the event that the app is faulty, recommend you download and run Avast antivirus, also download and run the All In One Toolbox from the play store, run the browser clean up facility and also the app cleaner which works like an optimiser does on a Windows PC. Failing all this you could opt for another reset.

  • JonathanU
    JonathanU Member Posts: 2 New User

    Thanks for the suggestions, roadwarrior796. I had already downloaded and done a scan of the tablet with Dr. Web Antivirus, so at your suggestion, I downloaded Avast antivirus and did the scan you suggested. Like Dr. Web, Avast reported "No Problems Found".


    I also tried your suggestion of using the All In One Toolbox, but that did not help. I have been inspecting the logs using the Logcat application, and can see where the browser is dying. Basically, I think things going south might have something to do with OpenGLRenderer, which I have read might have some bugs. Here is a bit of the log:



    12-11 08:21:08.200 D 15932 libEGL;; loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
    12-11 08:21:08.220 D 15932 libEGL;; loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so
    12-11 08:21:08.230 D 15932 libEGL;; loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
    12-11 08:21:08.260 D 15932 OpenGLRenderer;; Enabling debug mode 0
    12-11 08:21:10.940 I 14060 DEBUG;; timed out waiting for pid=15932 tid=15953 uid=10023 to die
    12-11 08:21:10.940 I 14060 DEBUG;; debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!
    12-11 08:21:10.960 I 15961 DEBUG;; debuggerd: Apr  6 2012 23:54:52
    12-11 08:21:14.710 V 141 Sensors;; handle : 14 en: 1 mEnabled:00000000
    12-11 08:21:14.710 V 141 Sensors;; sensor state change what=14
    12-11 08:21:14.710 V 141 Sensors;;  enabled_sensors: 16384 dmp_started: 0
    12-11 08:21:14.710 V 141 Sensors;; Starting DMP
    12-11 08:21:14.710 I 141     ;; mpu3050_resume: Resuming to 0070
    12-11 08:21:14.710 V 141 Sensors;; set fifo rate: 39 200000000
    12-11 08:21:14.710 I 141     ;; mpu3050_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
    12-11 08:21:14.710 I 141     ;; mpu3050_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
    12-11 08:21:14.710 I 141 MPL-ml;; Actual ODR: 25 Hz
    12-11 08:21:14.710 I 141     ;; mpu3050_resume: Resuming to 0070
    12-11 08:21:14.720 V 141 Sensors;; set fifo rate: 3 20000000
    12-11 08:21:14.720 I 141     ;; mpu3050_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
    12-11 08:21:14.720 I 141     ;; mpu3050_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
    12-11 08:21:14.720 I 141 MPL-ml;; Actual ODR: 50 Hz
    12-11 08:21:14.720 I 141     ;; mpu3050_resume: Resuming to 0070
    12-11 08:21:17.420 D 14227 dalvikvm;; GC_CONCURRENT freed 511K, 8% free 7580K/8199K, paused 7ms+2ms
    12-11 08:21:18.460 V 141 Sensors;; handle : 14 en: 0 mEnabled:00004000
    12-11 08:21:18.460 V 141 Sensors;; sensor state change what=14
    12-11 08:21:18.460 V 141 Sensors;;  enabled_sensors: 0 dmp_started: 1
    12-11 08:21:18.460 V 141 Sensors;; Stopping DMP
    12-11 08:21:18.460 I 141     ;; mpu3050_suspend: suspending sensors to 0000
    12-11 08:21:18.460 I 141     ;; mpu3050_suspend: Will resume next to 0070
    12-11 08:21:33.520 I 141 ActivityManager;; Process com.android.browser (pid 15932) has died.
    12-11 08:21:33.520 I 141 WindowManager;; WIN DEATH: Window{411087b0 com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity paused=false}
    12-11 08:21:33.530 W 141 ActivityManager;; Force removing ActivityRecord{412f85e0 com.android.browser/.BrowserActivity}: app died, no saved state
    12-11 08:21:33.540 D 83 Zygote;; Process 15932 terminated by signal (7)
    12-11 08:21:33.560 W 141 InputManagerService;; Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@4150e1b8


    I was wondering if this problem might have something to do with NVIDIA TegraZone, which is referred to in the log, and which as I recall, updated shortely before things went pear-shaped on my tablet. Unfortunately uninstalling the update of TegraZone did not help, and in fact, the first reboot after gave me a big scare when it seemed to hang. The subsequent boot was successful, though, and when I reinstalled NVIDIA TegraZone, the browser had the same old problem. I'm basically stumped.


    Best regards, and thanks again for your advice.


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