H5370BD DLP 3D Ready Projector: Is Not Nvidia 3D Vision Certified & Needs 3D Vision Firmware ASA

AscendedMind Member Posts: 1 New User

I was told by Acers Technical support team the Model H5370BD DLP 3D Ready projector was Nvidia 3D Vision certified. However, after numerous hardware tests & phone calls to both Nvidia's & Ace'sr Technical support. I discovered from Nvidia that the 3D vision ready Geforce GT 430 would not work with the  Model H5370BD DLP 3D Ready projector because it was not 3D vision ready or certified by Nvidia. 


Need verification if the Geforce GT 430 Graphics card is 3D vision ready? Please visit

http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-geforce-cards.html if you use the link revealed in Acers 3D user guide

listed here:

http://www.nvidia.com/object/3d-vision-system-requirements.html you may wrongfully assume that only some of the 400 series Geforce GT cards are 3D vision ready (not true) However, if you follow the recommended link provided by Acer you'll soon discover the H5370BD DLP 3D Ready Projector is not listed as one of the supported 3D projectors!


Additionally no 3D Vision Ready Blu Ray player such as Arcsoft or Cyberlink's PowerDVD 13 Ultra will work either with Nvidia IR emitter based glasses or DLP link glasses because both use 3D vision ready software. I verified this with several tests & countless hours since last Sunday.


Attn Acer Engineer (s) do you plan on certifying this projector as Nvidia 3D vision ready?


Are you able to update this projector as Nvidia 3D vision ready?


 [edited to comply with guidelines]Both of Acer's manuals the 3D & user manual both imply or indicate this particular projector is 3D vision ready when it's absolutely not as proven by my case & Nvidia tech support.


Please let me know if Acer plans on remedying my situation by replacing this model projector with a comparable 3D vision ready 3D DLP projector enabled with HDMI 1.4.


Patiently Waiting,



  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    The H5370BD is not Nvidia 3D Vision ready.  It is DLP 3D ready.


    We do not advertise the H5370BD as Nvidia 3D Vision ready, that I'm aware of.

    The datasheet for the system: http://us.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model-datasheet/MR.JG511.00A

    does not show Nvidia 3D Vision at all.


    The "Acer Projectors with 3D Technology Quick Guide" which is posted for all of our 3D projector models, is a generic guide and you will find that there is no specific reference to specific projector models.

  • The_Nephilim
    The_Nephilim Member Posts: 53 New User

    Hi, I share in your Frustration of this entire boggle they call 3D.. But I would like to direct you to the Source for finding out what is and what is NOT nVidia 3D Certified by going here:






    When it comes to nVidia or anything for that matter it is ALWAYS BEst to site the Source site for said device not 3rd party sites.. Most times they have the wrong specifications and such and can easily misguide you..


    You could possibly get it working with nVidia 3D TV Play there is NOT as much support for games but they have a list at nvidia which titles are supported but that would be the ONLY reliable way of getting that Proj. to work..


    The ONLY Acer 720P capable 3D Vision certified DLP Projector is the Acer H5360 DLP Projector.. It is listed on the above link as it any device that is OFFICIALLY supported by nVidia..


    is it possible to take that one back and get a different one??

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