No Acer logo

AlK Member Posts: 6 New User

When I attemp to boot my Aspire, I only get a black screen the Acer logo never appears.  Trying to use F12 or F8 or esc +Fn doesn't work?  I have the Acer Recovery disks.


  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder
    Hi AIK!

    When you say you have a black screen, does the screen actually light up, but is blank or does the screen look the same as if your laptop is off?

    Do you have any hard disk LED activity or hear any sounds?

    Post back, and I'll see if I can help further.
  • AlK
    AlK Member Posts: 6 New User

    looks the same as if laptop is off.  The keyboard however is lit.  I hear sounds as if the fan or a disk is running.  The dvd disk drive will light up for a few seconds if recovery disk is in drive.

  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder

    OK, try the following:


    Remove the charger, and with the machine switched off, remove the battery and any attached USB items. Press and hold the power button for 60 seconds, then release. Insert the battery and connect the charger. Switch on to see if it now boots.


    It may also be worth checking that the RAM is seated properly in its sockets.


    If this fails, check the hard drive activity light. Is it flickering as normal or is it on solidly or even completely off? If there is no activity, or the light is constantly on, then you may have a motherboard failure...

  • AlK
    AlK Member Posts: 6 New User

    The M5-581T does not have a removal battery, only a paper clip hole to reset.  Would have to completely remove back to see any components.  Back is not easily removed.  Also there is no hard drive activity light only the pwoer button light which is solid blue when pc is on.

    This is a refurbished  laptop I got through an eMachines lawsuit certificate so I think I'll just send it back.



  • finlux
    finlux ACE Posts: 1,834 Pathfinder

    Hi AIK


    Yes, I think that is for the best. Let us know how you get on!

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