Iconia A1 digitizer broken sent to support

dinhdinh Member Posts: 1 New User



I've sent to acer support, through the place where i've bought it, a Iconia A1 to repair.

The equipment in question is still in warranty, so, i thought that would be the best choice, despite my technical competence to perform the repair on my own.

In my country, a new A1 costs 160€. The budget sent by acer was about 200€, plus budget expenses, plus transportation.

As you all can imagine this is not a reasonable budget for repair.

Acer's technicians, i'm sure they are the best of the best in the world, but, unless they earn minimum 100€ per hour the budget sent to me is at least strange.(i accept it or not, of course, as Acer is saying, it is my choice)

I own severall Acer equipments, now i'm not happy with that situation.

I am talking in the forum since Acer doesn't provide a valid email address to complaints, only actual addresses for which i will write addressing my concerns.

I tried to activate the chat support, but, unfortunately, neither the S/N or the SNID was considered valid for all of the Acer equipments that i own.

Wich means, i presume, that i have to take legal actions agaisnt one of the major europe hypermarkets since they are selling fake equipments.

Acer, through the budget sent, is telling me, i presume, "We don't care, buy a new one, We don't have the time nor the wish to attend, in a responsible and viable way to your needs, as our long time costumer".

Acer doesn't left me no choice but to repair the equipment on my own, loosing my warranty, with a Acer digitizer, for about 50€, taxes and transportation included.

I bought a Acer equipment last thursday wich will be returned.

We, my family and me, will never buy a Acer equipment again.

Please consider to place a disclaimer in your products saying "Please don't boder us buy new".

Thank you very much for your attention in the subject and i am very sorry for the bitter message.









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