W3 and W510 8.1 updates

Just checked an Microsoft had a bunch of updates including some from Microsoft on Sleep, and ones from Acer and Intel (graphics). I hadn't had any real problems (except connecting a older LG TV HDMI) but seems a bit crisper.


Might be worthwhile checking for both Important and Optional updates.


  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder

    Had an odd occurance with the 510: on reboot and following the login  the display started blinking and would not allow any input. Finally by using the three fingered salute (cntrl-alt-del) I was able to bring up the lock/etc. selection screen. Going to the Accessibility functions and selecting High Contrast display I was able to get an ugly but stable screen.


    Device manager showed that "somehow" the Intel video driver had been changed from to I selected remove driver and erase which after reboot put it back to the 1170. I then tried Update Driver and that moved to the new .1176 which is now working fine.


    An alternative would have beeen to use System Restore since I create a restore point before updating but did not want to lose everything. YMMV.


    W3 had no issues.


    Moral: be very careful about "optional" updates.

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