Aspire V3 771g-9809 Display driver has stopped responding

volanir Member Posts: 1 New User

I'm not sure where it all started, but I know it happened shortly after upgrading to windows 8.1. After upgrading I started to have some issues and decided to update the bios in an attempt to resolve these issues. I began to have some other odd promblems. The final issue I had was the constant "display driver stopped resonding and has recovered"


I have tried updating the video drivers with the latest from the acer drivers page. I have updated to the latest from Nvidia. I have even reinstalled windows to go back to windows 8 vs windows 8.1. I have tried different versions of the drivers. 


I have been to several forums and sites looking for answers and haven't been able to find anything helpful. I am a fairly tech savy guy so feel free to give any suggestions.


Currently I just reinstalled windows 8 again using the built in "reset your PC" feature in windows 8. It has all the Acer bloatware. Any help would be greatly appreciated.





  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Are you having the issue, "Display driver has stopped responding" under the factory load?


    If so, it would likely be a hardware issue and I would suggest contacting technical support in your region for further assistance with this issue.
    Acer Service and Support

  • nVidia and Microsoft worked together to correct this issue in Vista. While I haven't had an issue with my Acer M5, I have had it pop up on my main PC (both running Win7 Ultimate). Perhaps it has continued into Win8.
    It may be worthwhile trying the following:


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    You could simply cut and paste to create a .reg file or add it yourself through regedit.
    Note that TdrDelay is of type QWord in the above export. I don't know why a QWord is necessary here (as the value is '8').

    I've not had the problem since I added this. Should it not work for you, simply take it out (I don't think the key is there by default but you may wish to check first).


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