D270-1375 hibernate issue

Aspire1Junk Member Posts: 1 New User

Finally I can vent my frustrations somewhere.... My name says it all... yet maybe I will change my name.... I hope so.


I purchased my Aspire One D270-137  on eBay before Christmas 2012.  I am a bit of a saver so I did not take it out of the box until August of 2013.  I booted it up and used it to pay some bills while on a boat trip.  Since I have other computers I intended to use the D270 for travel and bill pay.  


I have run into these issues a few times and my concern is that they will get worse rather than better. The Windows 7 Starter has been updated with all windows updates


1:  When I hibernate my netbook and then wake it about 20% of the bottom of the screen appears to be in "white out mode"  meaning I can not see anything and the curser will disapear when I move it into the "White out zone"


2:  If I leave the netbook unplugged and allow the machine to self sleep/hibernate when I turn it back on I do not experience the "white out zone"


3:  Early in the discovery period I experienced the black screen of death WITH curser.  When I walked away and allowed the netbook to self hibernate the screen came back to log in.


My question ares:  Does this sound like a bios issue?   Has anyone experienced these issues?  What might the remedy be?


Comments:   I am here because since this netbook is out of warranty (apparently the warranty starts when the last screws are inserted into the product) 

  i.e. Acer tells me warranty expired 9/23/13  and I recieved it Dec 2012.  


           I could not for the life of me find anywhere (aside from here) that I could ask simple questions..... 


I have installed Chrome, Avast and removed McAffe and that is the extent of changes to the netbook....(all issues were present before and after modifications were performed,       I could avoid using hibernate/sleep and always shutdown via menu and if that is the case....it will be the final acer purchase I make.  


Hope I get to change my name/handle   Cheers   






  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    Can you provide a screen capture of #1, please?  It would help everyone understand exactly what you are seeing.


    It is not a BIOS issue.  Very few things are.



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