Re: Aspire 7535 Replacing OS

stoobydale Member Posts: 4 New User

Hi, I have an Acer Aspire Running Vista 32 bit OS, I would like to upgrade to Win7 64 bit. Is this possible? If so what do I need?


Kind Regards,



  • Vince53
    Vince53 Member Posts: 805 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Stooby, I advise you not to do so. If you upgrade your operating system, you lose all your Acer drivers. Assuming that you can install Windows 7, you can reload the drivers, but they are designed for XP and won't work well, if at all.



    You didn't say if your machine is 32 or 64 bit. I have both XP, 7, and 8. XP is the queen of 32 bit systems, and works so poorly in the 64 bit version, that many 64 bit computers use 32 bit XP. Windows 7 is an outstanding system designed for 64 bit. There is a 32 bit version, but it does little that XP does not do.


    For less than double the price of buying a Windows 7 DVD, you can buy a new, dual-core, 64-bit laptop with Windows 8. Instead of fouling up one computer, you will then have two good computers.

  • stoobydale
    stoobydale Member Posts: 4 New User

    Hi Vince, thanks for the reply. I don't fully understand it though. My system is 32bit Vista at the moment. I was more wondering if the 7535 was upto running a 64bit OS (I have put the wrong model number in the title, now edited) If it was I didn't know I I would loose the Vista partition on the HDD and not be able to revert back should it all go pear shaped.

  • Unfortunately, Acer have no Win7 drivers available for your model.



    My reply refers to the 5735!!!


  • stoobydale
    stoobydale Member Posts: 4 New User

    Hi Alan, thanks for the reply. I have edited the title. I had a dyslexic moment and wrote 57 instead of 75. The model number is 7535.

  • Vince53
    Vince53 Member Posts: 805 Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Stooby, go into Control Panel, System, and it will tell you if you are 32 or 64 bit. But I advise you not to upgrade, regardless.

  • stoobydale
    stoobydale Member Posts: 4 New User

    Thanks for all the help. Have used Vista for a week now and think I will stick with it. Not the best OS but it does what I need to do with this comp.

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