Whirring noise on new Aspire S7-392 (audio attached)

achoo54321 Member Posts: 2 New User



I just received my new Acer Aspire S7-392-6832 from Amazon.  I am still exploring, but my main concern is the attached noise (it is audible only on the left side and I recorded it using a voice recorder placed about 1 centimeter above the keyboard ... on the top left).  It is very hard to compare its loudness ... all I can say is that it is very noticeable from the position of a normally seated user at a desk




With Speedfan, in windows 8, when Temp 1 is at about 40 to 43C, the machine is totally silent.  Once it reaches 50C, the noise begins.  So, it behaves like a fan, but it sounds like a whirring noise


I do not have another ultrabook to compare.  Is this a normal sound for these machines?  From what I have read the S7-392s are supposed to be very quiet, and nobody else has mentioned anything similar ... is everyone just overlooking this noise?


Thank you





  • achoo54321
    achoo54321 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Please confirm whether this is a defective fan ... that is what it sounds like to me, but I do not have as much experience as others on this site


    I like everything else about the laptop, but, as this 'fan' kicks for every moderate task (sustained CPU usage of 20%ish or more) it is painful to listen to ... especially a 100% CPU test: after about a minute, hurts my heart to listen to 


    I imagine a normal ultrabook fan should just be a 'whoosh' of wind, at varying speeds ... like my laptop fans, but I do not want to invest more time in this direction if this is how all ultrabooks behave because of their compressed form factor


    Thank you



    [i realized after the fact there's a dedicated ultrabook forum ... it is too late to move the post ... srry]

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