Editing weather location

dlcaff Member Posts: 1 New User

How do I edit the weather location on my A5600U? The location is currently London. I am unable to find a way to change it.


  • Tommy-Acer
    Tommy-Acer VIP Posts: 6,317 Seasoned Specialist WiFi Icon

    In the Weather app, included with Windows 8, you should get a prompt when the app first launches, "Can Weather use your location?"  Select Allow.  The app will automatically detect your location and should set the Weather app there.  It will then default to that location.


    If you have bypassed the Allow / Block selection, you can right click in the app to bring up the navigation bars.  The options available on the lower bar are: Change Home, Current Location, Change to Celsius/Farenheit, and Refresh.  The top bar includes Home, Places, and World Weather.


    Hope that helps!

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