Acer aspire 5250. Screen freezes every 20s in old online game

Andorkov Member Posts: 1 New User
I've had an acer for a while, and with it I play a game made in the 90's. my old acer ran the game fine...this new one seems to freeze up every so often.

It's an old 2D game, online, no real reason it should be having an issue, older worse computer had zero issue like this.

I got the laptop used, its been reformatted, so I went to acer website and downloaded the drivers for my 5250 win 7, 32bit computer (wireless, LAN, and it was called VGA for the graphics) and installed them with no issues at all.

It doesn't need to be defragged or anything, at 0%.

Anyone know offhand what could be causing these hiccups?
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