jimmyrecard Member Posts: 1 New User


 Recently My WIFI Adaptor Failed. I bought a new External WIFI Card. Which also wouldnt work. I reformatted HDD and Installed The correct drivers for my LaptopE732ZG. WIFI Still not working. I  reinstalled drivers for ext WIFI adaptor and success, so i thought. EXTERNAL is intermittently working.

 The Factory installed WIFI  SHows as ON when I hold Fn and F3 to turn on Adaptor though the light does not illuminate. When I try to use Fn and F3 to turn Off I get the same indication Adaptor is on appearing on screen.

 In  DEvice Manager the  adaptor present is

802.11n USB WIreless LAN CArd and Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adaptor

 though Im  sure these are for the external WIFI adaptor as when i  remove USB card the  Device Disappears from List.

 NOte* Under Other DEvices There is a PCI SIMPLE COMMUNICATIONS CONTROLLER present but no driver Installed.

 Im thinking that that this is the Factory Installed WIFI adaptor.

 Ive tried all of the drivers on the Support PAge from eMachines E732ZG Downloads.

 The OS is WIN 7 Enterprise 64. Ive updated Windows. The driver is apparently Broadcom but as i  said I treid all drivers.

 Acer and eMachines Support isnt a worthy path. I rang them , held on for almost 2 hours to be told " ALL DRIVERS AVAILABLE ARE ON THE SUPPORT PAGE" SUPPORT? or Lack thereof!  Might I add this laptop is 14 months old. Yep you guessed it emachine wiped there hands of any responsibilty.

 I know! I bought a LEMON where I should have bought an Apple!

 Any Ideas? Explosives, Accellerant or other would be greatly Appreciated.





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