Spilt a glass of wine over my 5751G and it won't work. Any suggestions?

Rookie Member Posts: 2 New User

Best Answer

  • Rookie
    Rookie Member Posts: 2 New User
    Answer ✓
    Absolutely correct. When drying didn't switch off power. Didn't use sunlight, used a hair dryer! Repair shop says hard drive damaged and unable to retrieve data but rest of machine OK. Very expensive glass of wine!! Thanks for taking the trouble to respond to my cry for help.


  • Spikey01
    Spikey01 Member Posts: 3 New User

    First suggestion - 20 foot exclusion rule for all food and drink from a computer!  Been teaching computer assembly and repair for over 25 years and the most deadly combination is food/drink/computer!!


    Wine is very conductive and it probably went throughout the machine, causing shorts between components inside and contamination of the keyboard contacts at the very least.  The only way I have rescued such machines is if I get them within 2-4 hours of the "event" and quckly dis-assemble and wash thouroughly with distilled water.  Then dry the machine out in sunlight, REPLACE the keyboard and hope for the best!  It also helps tremendously if the power was OFF at the time.  Power on - likely destruction of various chips due to shorts.


    Good luck, as this is a worst case scenario to be avoided at any cost by following that 20 foot exclusion rule from the start.....

  • Rookie
    Rookie Member Posts: 2 New User
    Answer ✓
    Absolutely correct. When drying didn't switch off power. Didn't use sunlight, used a hair dryer! Repair shop says hard drive damaged and unable to retrieve data but rest of machine OK. Very expensive glass of wine!! Thanks for taking the trouble to respond to my cry for help.
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