Re all the "A100/A500 Bricked" threads

Bryn2424 Member Posts: 2 New User

I to have an A100 that has froze, been all over net looking for solutions, contacted acer and received this today from them:

(content removed)


  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    I think the correspondence from Acer is clear.

    You have an out of warranty product.

    It will cost you 55 pounds for us to evaluate it.

    We will then give you a repair quote.

    Your other option is to repair locally.


    When you purchased the product, you knew or should have known the terms and duration of the warranty.  Acer warranted the product for a year and it lasted a year plus. Ergo, the product met the sales conditions.

    What demonstrable proof do you have that your problem is Acer's fault?   

    Why are you entitled to free after warranty service?  In your opinion, should there be a fixed term for this extended free service or should it continue in perpetuity?


  • Bryn2424
    Bryn2424 Member Posts: 2 New User

    Considering that there are 100s of people with same product, same problem it doesn't take a degree in quantum physics that there is a problem with this product. Which, according to CAB can be deemed as "not fit for purpose" I have contacted BBCs Watchdog programme about it with links to the various threads and they are keen to investigate so if more people with same problem contact them we might shame them into repairing "THEIR" fault

  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    It is good to hear from you again.

    Your logic is faulty.  A degree in quantum physics does not qualify one to decide with authority that a manufactured product line  in another field is inherently defective.  This is the same fallacy as  - "If they can send a man to the moon, why can't they cure the common cold?"  The two fields are unrelated and expertise in one does not grant expertise in the other.

    I note that you did not answer my previous questions.

    - What demonstrable proof do you have that your problem is Acer's fault?

    - Why are you entitled to free after warranty service?

    - Should there be a fixed term for this extended free service or should it continue in perpetuity?

    Present some coherent logical responses and who knows, I might end up agreeing with you.


  • pet74
    pet74 Member Posts: 1 New User
    I have had this problem with my acer 3 times. Out of the box and 3months later mine died. acer replaced with a new one. 7 months late did it again on the new one. Sent in for repairs and worked fine on everything except the hdmi port, the camera, and the power button didn't light up. Now dead again. I am well past the warranty period but it has taken 3 units to get there. Would have been nice to have gotten at least 1 yr of uninterrupted service and would have had no complaints just disappointed.
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