Power Outage

Jimwalsh Member Posts: 2 New User

My Acer Desktop 5100 is sitting idle after a power outage. (It is plugged in, and I know the power strip is ok because the monitor and router are working) I have experienced power outages before and have just pressed the "On/Off" button on the front to restart the computer. Not this time. Is there a RESET switch somewhere? Do I have to take the cover off and find a RESET switch inside, or am I going into the nether world of having to get a new computer because something got 'fried"?


  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    An after the fact thought.  Surge protectors really work.

    Sorry that it is of no help to you now.


  • Jimwalsh
    Jimwalsh Member Posts: 2 New User

    I do have surge protectors. This was a "brown out" - where the power drops off, (lights get very dim ...) then tries to come back on, then drops off again, then finally goes out. It was the power supply, which was replaced and now it works fine. Strange thing, when the computer guy checked the Power Supply he said it seemed fine and the diagnostic said it should work. Of course, the computer would not boot up. So, he changed the power supply and viola' it booted up fine with no loss of data. 

  • Leho
    Leho Member Posts: 525 Mr. Fixit WiFi Icon


    Glad that everything worked out and no loss of data.  I guess that this was a coincidental failure of the power supply during a hydro brownout.  I guess these things build character. (But then, just how much character does any one body need?)Smiley Wink


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