That's all I needed to know. Thanks alot!
Shucks, I forgot to mention that is is a Desktop Computer, the Nitro 50-620 PC.
Ich habe dieselbe Fertigkiste. Wegen der billigen OEM-Lüftungssystem bin ich oft davon überzeugt, dass ich mich am Flughafen befinde. Spaß beiseite, ja, der CPU-Kühler ist eine billige OEM-Version von dem berüchtigten Intel Stock-Cooler. Obwohl er für den allgemeinen Gebrauch okay ist, ist er leider für so etwas wie ein…
To anyone wondering what the problem is, it's the NitroSense software. Just set your fan speeds accordingly (as the auto fan setting is as good as useless and WILL fry your CPU when gaming), and turn off the program. You will be surprised to see no more pesky freezing/crashing.
Oh, I must've overlooked the Applications section. Now that I see the software there, everything's clear as day. Thanks :)
Not useful at all. I had literally done almost all of the above-stated (de-bloating, removing useless programs and services, optimizing) the moment the initial setup was complete. Besides, it's a high-end machine, such things cannot possibly cause it to freeze up for 3 seconds. I haven't changed anything in the BIOS at…
Non-standard plate, you say? That's quite disappointing, I honestly expected something better than being tethered to the original (underperforming) equipment with this MoBo. Guess it's time to shell out some bucks on coolers and MoBo.