my b117 does not have an ethernet port. what are we talking about here?
i have the same question for b117, bios looks similar. my reason is that my SSD shows way lower IOPS than it should, and this is mentioned on the internet as a possible fix.
was soll das in diesem thread? bitte mache einen eigenen mit dem laptoptyp im titel.
i did not. i just blindly ordered cheap cables or different acer laptops.
hat alles so geklappt. direkt nach dem klonen wurde nicht von der neuen platte gebootet, auch wenn man die im bios nach oben geschoben hat. dann habe ich mit easybcd einen entsprechenden boot eintrag angelegt, nun konnte man beim booten die neue platte auswaehlen, aber der bootvorgang brach ab und man landete immer wieder…
das windows wird natuerlich auf die nachgeruestete ssd gespiegelt, die internen 64gb sind dann eine rudimentaere backuploesung.
i now know that the cables for aspire v5-431 and v5-122p dont fit the b118. they fit physically but dont let it boot. the one sold explicitly for b118 works. interesting. note: https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/546516/sata-cable-compatibility .
i've now tried 3 different cables on my laptop, they all fit physically, but only the one specifically sold for my laptop works, the others prevented it from booting. so acer seems to take liberties when it comes to the internal wiring. sad.
if it's not the rubber foot, which corner is it?
as i said, this cable attached to the laptop without a drive prevents the laptop from booting. so this cannot have anything to do with a drive, which btw works fine in another computer.
they are, but only ground with ground and +5 with +5, that should be ok, right?
so i found the pinout for the "regular" sata plug, now the one of the mainboard would be interesting, especially if it's the same for alle motherboards with this shape of connector. somewhere else it said that what is called "reserved" here is for the activity led.
thanks. weird though, the cable looks ok from the outside. do you know which ones are the power pins in this type of connector?
i bought that connector too, but once i connect it, even without the ssd, the laptop wont switch on any more and instead gives a high pitch low volume whining noise. am i missing something or does the cable simply have a short inside? can anyone explain the noise seeing this laptop has no moving parts?
i have calibrated the screen for pen input if thats what you mean. but the problem is not an offset but a drag, so i dont think this could have anything to do with it. i'd like some kind of responsiveness setting like for mice. doesn anyone else out there have an acer pen and can describe if it behaves the same?
is this the connector? looks like it, right? http://www.polywell.com.tw/index.php/cable/cable-2/hdd-odd-cable/hdd-internal-cable,-sata-22-pin-female-to-0-5-pitch-20-pin-male-detail.html
note to self: 20 pins, 4x14mm. the two inner lengths are 10 and 12 mm.
are you saying it has no name, but others use it too? can i order a dell cable as well? much cheaper.
that is great new. about my other question: does this port/connector has a name? or is it just something acer made up for their own purposes?
are you saying that acer uses the same connector on all motherboards? so also e.g. 50.4TU07.022 and 50.VFXN7.001 are the same? sometimes one is sold out and others are available and look very much alike on the pictures. is there something to read about this? does the port on the motherboard have a name? is is proprietary?