Windows 10 no touchpad driver for e5-411

ronintoad Member Posts: 4 New User
edited October 2021 in Aspire Laptops

I've upgraded to windows 10 only recently, and now  i cant use my touchpad, and when i go to the device manager it has no mouse driver for the touchpad, i have to use a mouse...



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Have you tried to install one of the touchpad drivers (Elantech or Synaptics)?

  • ronintoad
    ronintoad Member Posts: 4 New User

    Hi, the Elantech ran, and installed even rebooted my latop. but, my touchpad is still aint working. and it doesnt show on the device manager as well.

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    Do you have the lastest bios version installed?

  • ronintoad
    ronintoad Member Posts: 4 New User

    sorry been busy these couple of months.

    bios? i beg your pardon... i'm not very familiar with that

  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer



    First you can check the bios version like this:

    1. Press [Win key]+[R]
    2. Type msconfig32.exe in the box and [Enter]
    3. Check the value of "Bios version/Date"
  • ronintoad
    ronintoad Member Posts: 4 New User


    This is what comes up.

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer

    He just had msconfig and msinfo32 cofused. Use the latter.

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  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Thanks billsey. My brain had to be tired. Jet lag!Smiley Happy

  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,566 Trailblazer

    Well, I know every time I've been to Europe I've had jet lag... I think it's amazing you folks over there can just bull through it day after day. Smiley Happy

    Click on "Like" if you find my answer useful or click on "Yes" if it answers your question.
  • codewhiz
    codewhiz Member Posts: 1 New User

    I also have the same problem.

    Touchpad is not working. Then if I try to disable and re-enable the touchpad, the whole keyboard does not work afterwards. I had to restart the computer to bring back the keyboard to function again.

    I am now using the latest BIOS (v1.16) from the website for the Windows 10.



    bios information -not working touchpad.PNG

  • keven012
    keven012 Member Posts: 1 New User

    Hi same problem here. May I know the solution?

  • UdinB
    UdinB Member Posts: 1 New User
    same problem here, may you create some Tutorial Videos for this Problem?
  • padgett
    padgett ACE Posts: 4,532 Pathfinder
    Open Device Manager. At the top click View>Show Hidden Devices. Does the TouchPad appear ? (probably under Human Interface Devices). If so double click on it and there may be an error listed in Device status. What is the status please and what driver was it trying to use ?
  • diseyos
    diseyos Member Posts: 1 New User
    La solución es la siguiente:
    - Entrar a la Pàgina Oficial de Acer y Buscar nuestros respectivos Drivers de Acer E5-411
    - En la sección Bios, Instalar la segunda actualización del Bios que dice "Fix Touchpad"
    - Una vez instalado, entramos a la Bios, donde buscando nos aparecerá la opción Touchpad (Estará en Avanzado, la cambiaremos a Básico)
    Y listo, así se activa el Touchpad al brincar de Windows 8.1 a Windows 10 en Acer E5-411.
    El que hasta el momento aún no logro activar es el Lector de Memorias SD.
  • Striker11
    Striker11 Member Posts: 1 New User
    padgett dijo:
    Open Device Manager. At the top click View>Show Hidden Devices. Does the TouchPad appear ? (probably under Human Interface Devices). If so double click on it and there may be an error listed in Device status. What is the status please and what driver was it trying to use ?
    In spanish say this: Actualmente, este dispositivo de hardware no está conectado al equipo. (Código 45)
    Para solucionar el problema, vuelve a conectar este dispositivo de hardware al equipo.
    Is like, The hardware is not connected to the pc, try to connect that, but this should be connect
  • reliduran
    reliduran Member Posts: 1 New User
    diseyos said:
    La solución es la siguiente:
    - Entrar a la Pàgina Oficial de Acer y Buscar nuestros respectivos Drivers de Acer E5-411
    - En la sección Bios, Instalar la segunda actualización del Bios que dice "Fix Touchpad"
    - Una vez instalado, entramos a la Bios, donde buscando nos aparecerá la opción Touchpad (Estará en Avanzado, la cambiaremos a Básico)
    Y listo, así se activa el Touchpad al brincar de Windows 8.1 a Windows 10 en Acer E5-411.
    El que hasta el momento aún no logro activar es el Lector de Memorias SD.
    this is the answer!!! thank you all works fine
  • rhonil
    rhonil Member Posts: 2 New User
    Hi there, I have a E5-411 acer laptop and I want to update the bios to fix my issues in touchpad, but i cant do it because of my laptop has a defective battery, is there something that I can do to fix it? thank you.
  • VergelNicholas
    VergelNicholas Member Posts: 1 New User
    rhonil said:
    Hi there, I have a E5-411 acer laptop and I want to update the bios to fix my issues in touchpad, but i cant do it because of my laptop has a defective battery, is there something that I can do to fix it? thank you.
    hi did you your problem already? if not here is the way to disable the battery check when updating bios.

    1. Run the downloaded Bios file, you will get an error like "No battery" or "Low battery" or "Need at least 15%"  , stay on the error dialogue (!) do not close it
    2. Navigate to your current users temp directory %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp, there should be somewhere a temporary directory containing the extracted files from the EXE file (for me it was 7zS4A88.tmp) its always on the top list.
    3. Copy the folder of that temp directory somewhere (I suggest paste it in desktop), do not close the Temp folder yet. close the error dialogue first, then you will notice the temp files will be disapear. (meaning you copied the correct folder)
    4. Open the file platform.ini with a text editor or notepad inside the folder that you just copied and hit Ctrl+F and type to search BatteryCheck
    5. Change parameter BatteryCheck from 1 to 0 or just. 0 means disable (this disables battery check during BIOS update preparation!), save the file
    6. Then in the same folder Run as administrator the file InsydeFlash.exe or whatever the file name is. just make sure the icon of the file is like grey square with the green character in it, and make sure it's .exe file
    7. That's it, bios update should start now
    8. Then pray while bios is updating because if the power is out or you unplug the power cable accidentally while bios is updating, the motherboard will no longer usable.  Good luck!

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  • Cane
    Cane Member Posts: 4 New User
    Hi, currently reviving my old Acer aspire e5 411 and the same trouble I have. I have already done the steps you give. install driver, and update bios also the problem about the battery but it seems doesn't work for me. still the touchpad isn't working. What I am supposed to do now?
  • Cane
    Cane Member Posts: 4 New User
    in addition, the touchpad is working before I formatted the drive I had. please if there's something or anyone has this problem kindly gave some few advise to resolve my problem :)