Aspire 7736Z - Bluetooth card

Hoib Member Posts: 18 New User
edited March 2023 in 2014 Archives

Hi.  I have an Aspire 7736Z with Win 7 Home.  It is apparently missing the BT card.  I press on the BT button above the keyboard and it doesn't light up with no other activity on screen.  Check Device Manager and don't see the BT object.  I'm actually not sure where this object would show up/should be in Dev Mgr.  This is evidence that the BT module was omitted from this model.


Anyway, I got a service manual and the Bluetooth card is listed as "Foxconn Bluetooth BRM 2046 BT2.1 (T60928.33),  In the parts crossover this turns out to be Acer's part no:  BH.21100.004.


Question:  How do I order this from Acer?  




  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Have you checked on Device manager, selecting "show hidden devices" on View tab, if BT module appears?


    any Yellow exclamation mark on Device manager?

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    Hi.  Dev Mgr shows NO instance of any Bluetooth hardware, either hidden or unhidden.  I assume I'm looking in the correct spot within Dev Mgr, that is:  BT should be its own branch off the Computer at the top.  Anyway, there is no BT showing, unless it's somehow buried inside the USB branch.  It should not be showing up there; it should be showing up, as I said, right below the Computer main trunk.  There are no other yellow exclamation marks in evidence.


    BTW, this is Win 7 Home - it should be capable of handling BT, right?


    Why can't Acer just have a sub-site called  (I know that's not your area, just whining...)


    So, where does one go for parts at Acer - to get a proper replacement.



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Give a try to install BT drivers:


    check if it appears.


    if not.....i will send a PM to the best Acer parts finder community member.



    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • Hello Hoibie,


    You'll find below the part numbers of BT boards for Aspire 7736Z:


    BH.21100.004 - MODULE.BLUETOOTH.T60H928.33 (FOXCONN)



    In which country do you live?


  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    Hi - thanks for stopping in.  I'm in the US.  I do see those in the Shop Manual I D/L'd.


    So are you saying I can use either of the two?  Or just one?  If one, which one?  Or are both going to be needed?  If you look in the shop manual, it shows a picture of a BT card being accessed/removed/uninstalled.  It seems to indicate only one card/device is being used.  Quite confusing at this point.



  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    I'll bet the card was omitted.  Driver install fails:  Device Not Found.  Question:  Do you know if perhaps the BT adapter would show up in BIOS if indeed it is present?



  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    Not sure about BT module on BIOS, never see a page with that information.


    the only thing you can do your notebook.

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • @Hoibie:

    Could you give me the first ten characters of the laptop serial number? Only the first ten.

  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    OK, here's the S/N (first ten):




    I have the SNID too if we need it.



  • Hello Hoibie,


    P/N: LX.PJB02.092

    Model: Aspire 7736Z-4809

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bits


    You don't have a BT board in your original laptop. There are a wifi board and a modem board.

    You can install one of the BT board listed on my previous reply.

    You'll need perhaps this cable: 50.PJA01.004 - Cable bluetooth.


    On the Acer webiste, I only found the Broadcom driver (BH.21100.004) but not the Atheros driver (BH.21100.005).

  • IronFly
    IronFly ACE Posts: 18,413 Trailblazer

    missing Atheros drivers on Acer support website, will not be a problem. Smiley Happy

    I'm not an Acer employee.
  • @Ironfly: For me too! You are the king of the driver...

  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    OK, we're almost done, folks.  I just need to get one BT board.  Now exactly where does one order these parts, the BT board and the attaching cable?  Acer doesn't seem to have a parts dept that I can find.  Am I going to have to go to a third party vendor (and risk not getting the right part)?



  • Hello Hoibie,


    You can request a quote and place an order from your Acer store in using the customer service form.

    In the form:

    1- You select in "Please Select a Subject: Other"

    2- In "Describe the Problem:", you indicate the S/N of the laptop.

    3- Example:

        "Price request for the following spare parts:

         - P/N, description

         - Etc"


    You'll receive a quote by mail (pdf document). You can also phone them.

  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    I thought this would be easy!  But, no....  I have the BT card and connector cable in hand, but...


    I cannot find the BT mounting area.  When I try to find the BT installation point on the motherboard, where is it?  If I take off just the large "L-cover" I cannot find the BT mounting point.  I see the RAM area, the hard disk, the PSU/fan assembly.  Do I need to take off the keyboard?  Do I need to take off the screen?  How much of the outer shell do I have to disassemble or remove to get far down indside the case where the BT card can be installed?


    Could someone please guide me to that location on this laptop?



  • laurent_14
    laurent_14 ACE Posts: 10,397 Trailblazer

    Hello Hoibie,


    I send you a private message.

  • Hoibie
    Hoibie Member Posts: 13 New User

    OK, I finally found the area on the MoBo.  Way over in the corner by the CMOS battery.  Looks like you have to take the whole thing apart to get at that area; screen, keyboard, keyboard top assembly, completely remove the back and the metal plates seperating the two halves.  An all day affair with a bazillion screws.  YOu probably have to watch too which screws came out of what area.  


    It's not just "pop a cover off" and drop in place.  It can be done but what a chore!

