Acer Aspire E5-573G-36ZD [Power Surge on my left 2 3.0 USB ports]

tyrexo Member Posts: 14


edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

Hi guys, 


  So I have this problem for a certain of time and I can't find any solution for it.

Maybe someone who had this problem can help me please?


                                                               Here is a screenshoot of what I get : 



Sorry that is in my language, so there it says something like :

 - - - Power surge on the USB port, Unknown USB Device needs more power than the port can supply. - - -


And before you asking if I tried to :


Reset : Tried [ Unsuccesful]

Disable or Unistall all USB Drivers from device manager [ Unsuccesful ]

Deactivate on power manangenet at USB Settings [ Unsuccesful ]

Trying other mouses or keyboards to both ports? [ Not worked ]



The point is that these ports give power to the USB I insert on them, but if is a mouse or a keyboard is not working.

But If I use some stereo boxes with USB or a Laptop Cooler, these works.


So can anyone help me to enable back my 3.0 ports from the left of my laptop as they were before?

Did someone has a problem like this?


And no, doesn't read any kind of Data USB Storage, only gives power and only, like, they have been disabled and can only give power but can't do nothing with that power.







  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>But If I use some stereo boxes with USB or a Laptop Cooler, these works>>>


    Dulapurile stereo & cooler folosesc puterea USB? Dacă da, cât de mult? Cât de multă putere USB folosesc mouse-ul și tastatura? Avem nevoie de specificațiile de alimentare USB pentru fiecare dintre dispozitivele USB pe care încercați să le utilizați. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    Pai atunci cand folosesc laptopul, boxele si coolerul le folosesc permanent.


    Dar ideea este ca boxele le-am luat recent si problema persista dinainte de a le folosi.

    De obicei foloseam mousul la unul din porturile 3.0 dar l-am bagat la singurul normal din dreapta, iar cele 2 porturi din stanga le folosesc numai pentru cooler si boxe cu usb+jack.


    Am tot cautat rezolvari, am zis sa incerc sa fac o resetare de curent, sa scot bateria si sa apas pe butonul de pornire si dupa sa vad daca mai are problema asta sau nu.


    Dar astept si alte idei ca s-ar putea ca aceasta solutie sa nu mearga pentru mine cel putin.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>Pai atunci cand folosesc laptopul, boxele si coolerul le folosesc permanent>>>


    Există un limită pentru o cantitate totală de energie (watts ou miliwatts) care poate fi folosit ca port USB pentru fornecer. O mouse-ul USB funcționează OK la fel de alto-falantes e o cooler estiverem desconectados? Caso contrat, o mouse está sem fio ou com fio? Quais sao as especificações de energia (watt ou milliwatts) para cada dispositivo USB que você está tentando usar? Se creează o listă a mărcilor și numerelor de model care să le permită să identifice subiectul. Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    Boxe :

    Model : SN-431

    Power : 3W+3W

    Voltage : 5V - 500 mA



    Mouse :

    Model : SPMO-080

    Rating : 5V-100 mA



    Cooler :


    5V DC





    And mouse is wired.


    And no, mouse gets powered from the usb ports but is not doing anything, anything i put there get power, but is not like pc would recognize it, don't have that Bip sound when I plug on them.


  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    The power supply reset didn't work.


    Still same messages.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Răcitorul oferă numai tensiune, nu curent sau putere. Cu toate acestea, răcitorul poate cauza o pornire USB3 cu 4 fani. De asemenea, cele două boxe de boxe consumă aproape o putere maximă USB3. Astfel, dacă ar fi fost calculatorul meu, nu aș încerca să alimentăm aceste două dispozitive numai de la porturile USB. Amândoi consumă prea multă putere. Mouse-ul pare să fie OK fie pentru USB stânga sau dreapta. Dar driverul nu pare să fie instalat. Windows se pare că nu o poate detecta sau identifica. Ar trebui să faceți o căutare Google pentru driverul de software Win8.1 sau Win10 pentru producătorul și modelul acestui mouse.


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    Am sa incerc sa caut driverul dar acolo nu numai mousul intra inainte.


    Nici nu citeste Stickuri USB , doar ofera putere in rest nu citeste mai deloc.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    Aștepta! Deschideți Manager dispozitive. Vedeți problemele sau avertizările despre driverele de dispozitive listate? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    Nope, not any problem or advertisment.



  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    (1) Have these ports ever "detected" a mouse, a stick or any USB device since you got the laptop? (2) What was the factory-installed Windows version? Jack E/NJ  

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    Yes, worked from the first Startup.


    Didn't had any windows installed on it, was blank.


    I had to install on it, and i installed same as now, windows 10 Home Edition single language.


    They started having this problem since 2 months far now but i hided that usb messages error and didn't try to find a solution, but I want to fix them so I created here a thread where I could try to find some answers.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>They started having this problem since 2 months >>>


    Could this possibly have happened after a Win10 update? Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    I don't think so.


    I even installed windows 7 to see if there are still problems like this and they were.


    I don't know if is some hardware or software problem.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>Didn't had any windows installed on it, was blank.>>>

    >>>I don't know if is some hardware or software problem.>>>


    The evidence so far suggests a more likely USB board issue (part# 55.MVHN7.001) than a driver issue.  The only way to confirm is to re-install the SNID-specific ACER Windows version that your E5-573G originally shipped with from the factory. Are you sure that the hidden ACER eRecovery partition is missing on the HDD? Jack E/NJ    



    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    I never had ACER eRecovery on my laptop and don't think is at the download section.


  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    >>>I never had ACER eRecovery on my laptop and don't think is at the download section.>>>


    (1) Since the eRecovery partition isn't directly visible from Windows, how do you know the HDD never had this partition? (2) Have you ever tried the Alt+F10 cold boot eRecovery process to re-set your machine to a factory-fresh state from this hidden partition?


    If the eRecovery partition has been deleted, you can go to this link --- --- to see if the original pre-installed Windows version is available.  Choose US or Canada. Click on eRecovery in the upper right hand corner. Enter your machine's SNID. You can order USB or DVD installation media at nominal cost if available.


    Unfortunately, I feel that the USB board (55.MVHN7.001) itself, not its driver, has a problem. It may simply need to be re-seated on the mainboard a half dozen or so times to clean its contacts. Or it may have been heat-damaged from powering speakers & cooler that may have occasionally exceeded the USB board's maximum-rated output.


    Jack E/NJ 



    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    "powering speakers & cooler that may have occasionally exceeded the USB board's maximum-rated output."


    Thank you for the erecovery, I didn't know about it.


    And I don't know if is the cooler because when they started to not work anymore, i even didn't had buyed the stereo boxes and the cooler was only on the right side usb 2.0 .


    So maybe is hardware issue.


    But I should try this too.


  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    I was at the eRecovery page and used the system tool to detect the Serial number and SNID and the erecovery can't find my product there, I tried both servers, USA and Canada.


    As I Said, my laptop came with FREE OS, didn't had windows or linux or any other OS type sistem, was blank.

  • JackE
    JackE ACE Posts: 45,218 Trailblazer

    The right & left USB ports are controlled by the same USB board thru a ribbon cable. So over-taxing any one of the ports can adversely affect the others.   


    Have you in fact tried the ALT+F10 eRecovery method to double-check whether or not the hidden recovery partition is still intact on the HDD?


    Jack E/NJ

    Jack E/NJ

  • tyrexo
    tyrexo Member Posts: 14


    Not working.