What kind of ping time are normal for the R13?

drschrott Member Posts: 1 New User
edited March 2023 in 2017 Archives

I have an R13, and while I love it, the Wifi connection has been rather poor, to the point of where using it for remote desktop into my work is very hard.


Here's what I tested so far:


Running a ping on both the R13 and my Windows machine, same Wifi network and frequency, same time, same IP pinged, there is a vast difference in ping times, with the Windows machine being very consistently low, the R13 all over the place, almost always significantly higher.

Even more telling, pinging my router gives a consistent <1ms on the Windows machine, between 5-10ms on the R13.


I tried this on a different Wifi network to make sure it's not a function of the network (no difference), and I powerwashed the R13 (no difference).


What kind of ping times are you guys getting to things like your Wifi router? I feel this type of variation can't be right, and since I'm still inside warranty I wonder whether I should have it exchanged.


  • billsey
    billsey ACE Posts: 35,554 Trailblazer

    Ping times are to a certain extent OS dependent. Better to run some of the internet speed tests and do nslookups to map out the bottlenecks.

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  • tdamocles
    tdamocles Member Posts: 1 New User
    It could be just be certain routers that don't play nice.  I have a Tenda ac15 and Linksys acm3200 (on ddwrt firmware) on the 5ghz band and for the life of me can't connect to the Linksys.  I keep getting password authentication error.