what is the difference of acer sign in and Microsoft account! I am very computer dumb.

Kimmay Member Posts: 1 New User

I am having problems knowing if there is a difference in an acer account and a microsoft account  or is there no difference? I love playing games on facebook. my internet is slow because I can't afford it to go faster, sometimes it seems like I have 2 different computers in one. I don't know if anyone understands what I mean.

Best Answer

  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓

    Acer sign in is for the Acer website. Forums, your Acer account, etc. The MS account is is just that. It connects you to Microsoft and has nothing to do with Acer. 


  • philetus
    philetus ACE Posts: 4,759 Pathfinder
    Answer ✓

    Acer sign in is for the Acer website. Forums, your Acer account, etc. The MS account is is just that. It connects you to Microsoft and has nothing to do with Acer.