如何知道AW2000h F2的onboard InfiniBand連線速率?
Ans: 請在Linux環境中使用 ibstatus 命令查看.
NOTE. The ibstatus command is included in InfiniBand driver package for Linux.
NOTE. Please connect the InfiniBand cable properly in the InfiniBand fabric. When the InfiniBand cable is
connected, you can get the correct link rate information.
# ibstatus
Infiniband device 'mlx4_0' port 1 status:
default gid: fe80:0000:0000:0000:0030:48ff:fff4:a34d
base lid: 0x1
sm lid: 0x1
state: 4: ACTIVE
phys state: 5: LinkUp
rate: 40 Gb/sec (4X QDR)
link_layer: IB
此例子的InfiniBand 連線速率為 40 Gb/sec.