AT350F2 EFI Shell說明
Q1.什麼是EFI Shell?
Ans: EFI Shell 是唯一內嵌於EFI 軔體中的功能,使用者可以在EFI Shell中執行EFI 命令,EFI Shell就很像是一個小的作業系統
如:你可以在EFI Shell 中做update BIOS作業(參考BIOS Update步驟說明)或是你可以在EFI Shell中設定RAID Card Config
Q2.如何進入EFI Shell?
Please press F10 during POST
You would see below options:
UEFI:Built-in EFI Shell
Please select UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell and press Enter.
Q3.作業系統若要安裝於EFI Shell中,有什麼條件?
Ans: The requirements to support OS installation in EFI mode are as below.
a. The system BIOS must support UEFI/EFI.
b. The OS is EFI-Aware OS and can support EFI boot. & install.
c. The OS media (such as ROK) must support EFI boot & install.
d. The onboard disk controller or add-on disk controller must support EFI.