Acer Z5610, Touch Screen Not Working

westyuk1 Member Posts: 1 New User

I inherited an Acer Z5610 from a relative who never used the touch screen. When I got it, it didnt work so I simply performed a shift + F10 factory reinstall of Windows 7 Home from boot. That completed successfully and after updating windows, everything appears to be in order, except the touch screen.


Device manager doesn't show anything resemling a driver for the touch screen but the monitor drive is using the Generic PnP Microsoft one. There's only one item with an exclamation in the USB Controllers section at the very bottom. It just states unknown device, Port#0001,Hub#0005. I'm assuming that's unrelated

The acer support page shows no drivers have been released for years and mine is fully up to date. There are no specific drivers related to touch?


Launching Windows touch pack brings "Multitouch hardware is not available on your computer"

As I've not used a touch screen before I've no idea what to look for. Just wanted to make sure I haven't missed anything until I declare the hardware at fault.


  • freeza
    freeza Member Posts: 1,316 Skilled Practitioner WiFi Icon

    Good day


    The Touch driver is within Windows 7 itself and therefore doesnt need to be installed seperately. Immediately after formatting and reloading without even running the Windows updates, the touch must work. Please make sure that the touch is enabled by going to Control Panel -> Programs -> (Under Programs and Features) Turn Windows Features On or Off, then make sure Tablet PC Components has a tick. If it does and you have atleast tried to formatt and reload the machine twice, then the problem is with the hardware of which you need to get the LCD replaced.




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