Thank you very much, you helped me alot. I finally fixed the black screen problem after 2 months.
No, it is never happened when charging. Only when not charged and below 50% (i don't know the battery level)
Yeah it is correct, I should not already play games while not charging. But why is screen distortion problem still happening I really don't know.
Although my charge dropped by up to 15%, the black screen problem is not happened, it seems to have been resolved. But there is still a screen distortion problem. This distotion problem seems to be occurring on the pages. In addition while not in charge I get 30 FPS in a game where I get 200-300 FPS.
I did not really test. I will try today.
I checked everything I couldnt find anything like the battery limit I also restored plan defaults in Balanced mode
Thanks for the reply, I couldn't find any setting related to 30% limit in Care Center. I just saw a setting that is about 80% charge limit but it is already disabled, i just deleted and redownloaded care center and nitro sense.
Here is the file and screenshot (I think these errors last happened in 02/12/2024. 2 December):
It starts in 30% charge exactly and it happens alot after 30%.
1- Battery is 30%, not plugged. 2- Screen is started to flick and break. 3- Laptop is restarted. 4- After laptop is opened back, screen is gone. 5- Screen is came back again without restart.
It is still happening, when it comes to 30% charge, the screen starts to break. After flickering some time, laptop is restarted. When laptop is started back, screen is gone again but it comes back (not restarting).
You helped a lot, thank you very much ^^
Host Process for Windows Services gave alot of error. (like 100 times or something, most of them are StoreAgentDownloadFailure1. There is also StoreAgentInstallFailure1 AppxDeploymentFailureBlue)
Okay, there are lots of error lol. I deleted razer chroma and razer synapse applications for now. After that I closed fast startup too. Here is the list for errors.
I did what you said and I updated BIOS to latest version, thank you very much. What about the problem 1 (Black screen problem)? Why does the laptop show a black screen when its battery is low?
Hello, sorry for late reply. Here:
Hello, I toggled now. But screen distortion problem is not only happening in Google Chrome. It also happens in other applications.
Still not solved :(
I uploaded problem videos to the YouTube. Problem 1: Problem 2: