Windows 10
Dani90mi said:Buona sera , sul mio acer nitro 5 si è bruciata la ssd m2 , sulla quale cera installato windows. Adesso cambiando la ssd dovrò comprare di nuovo windows oppure rimane collegato al numero di serie della scheda madre?
Your Q - Good evening, on my acer nitro 5 burned the ssd m2, on which wax installed windows. Now changing the ssd I will have to buy windows again or does it remain connected to the serial number of the motherboard?
Answer - NO you don't have to buy a new Win-10 as your laptop and OS is registered with Microsoft so, buy the new M.2 drive and do a clean install of Win-10 on the new M.2 drive. Also look at all the different ways to activate win-10 here: Activate Windows