yolenman New User


  • I have not checked this baord in a while. Those in need, please email me directly at len "at" my network solution "dot" com. Thx 2/22/2017
  • Update 3.28.2014 I was finally able to find the factory recovery CD's specific to this system. Of course these won't fix the thrashed recovery partition, but at least I was able to re-image the system with the correct Ferrari infused XP environment elements. My customer was happy to say the least. I must comment on how…
  • Hello - Well, I did strike up a chat session with an Acer support rep. He advised me that Acer does no longer carries any recovery media for a given system after 3 years have passed. The system I'm dealing with was sold in 2006 ( I know a dinosaur, but again, it's for a senior) - so Acer basically told me to bugger off.…