xxPaulCPxx New User


  • AH-HA! Found it! While Windows does not have a function to power down the brightness of the monitor... LENOVO DOES. Apparently this was a function buried within the Lenovo Power Manager control. Once I excavated that program - buried in another program - I found that the default power setting changed the brightness to 0. I…
  • That was the first place I looked, but since it's a desktop it doesn't have the "Dim the monitor" settings that a laptop does. Besides that, I've set the system to turn off the monitor after 15 minutes - that works just fine! I'm hard pressed to think of a way that both DisplayPort AND VGA have a way of passing back a…
  • I just switched to the included VGA cable and have exactly the same issue - after 2 minutes from login, the brightness reverts to 0. BTW, I've also just left it without loggin in for longer than 2 minutes and it kept the previous brightness setting. After loggin in - 2 minuts - dim.