wayner2000 New User


  • I ran the chkdsk, it rebooted, when I looked again it was at the login; when I went to check email it had a DPC error. It's now a doorstop; thanks but this is too much frustration, I give up; so much for acer laptops. Thanks for your ideas.
  • update bios? I have no idea how to do that. If I can get it to the desktop long enough to run chkdsk I will. Thanks. (I'm on my PC; I also have a laptop login issue with MS store which also causes a DPC and crash.)
  • thanks. I tried to dl the prg and got a DPC error. Then on reboot the system decided an update was needed, and during that T ABOUT 25% IT CRASHED ON ADPC ERROR!!!!! So I rebooted and tried and tried and finally here is the results Crash dump directory: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump Crash dumps are enabled on your computer. On Fri…