trolle222 New User


  • so you are able to switch to the "stereo mix" option in the recording devices window? what program are you using to record the sounds? is it picking up any audio or just recording nothing and you get the feedback when you boost the volume?
  • howdy rdunn, i might be able to help.. what are the kinds of problems you are running into? will the program not start up? is it not recording sounds from your computer? is it crashing right away? not saving audio? if in your reply you could add some details about what isnt functioning, than i could possibly help. thanks!…
  • howdee(sorry. you probably get that a lot) i am looking for the same thing. i have gone through all the youtube videos, or tips and tricks and nothing has worked for me either in trying to locate the "stereo mix" option. i think acer notebooks dont come with it anymore. mine doesnt from what i can tell. anyone else have…