tenstin34 New User


  • right, so you need to buy 2 Acer laptops, one that has keyboard backlit and one that does not. and then depending if it's day or night, you use one or the other, well in that case I prefer to buy just one laptop of a different brand , a brand that allows users to fully control backlit keyboard, it's definitely gonna be…
  • Please stop with this nonsense that pretends that it's the customer's fault that he chose the model with the white keyboard and that now the customer should buy Keyboard skin or change the keyboard to black one. I want to have white keyboard WITH BACKLIT but I want it to be on only when I need it. It's the ACERs fault that…
  • that's not helpful at all, I did not but a laptop with silver keyboard to buy some ugly black KB skin for it, what I need is to have a functioning laptop with properly working keyboard backlit, it should start with keyboard lights off by default or remember the last setting, Acer did a really terrible job here, and did not…