tam328 New User


  • Anyone can help? it seems this series got the huge problem. I have not a high demanding user, each week use this note book for a hours only. Why this notebook quality so bad ? acer brand ........ Thanks!
  • No~ Office word - CANT! Notepad - CANT! And there are other users that got the similar problem Please refer to the following link: http://community.acer.com/t5/Ultra-Thin/Aspire-M5-481PT-keyboard-malfunctioning/td-p/118037 Please help to solve these annoying problem.
  • yes~ other direction keys are fine, it can make the cursor move~ And this problem happen in all application. OS: Windows 7.
  • I means the problem is that when press the left-key, the mouse cursor could not move. Please help to solve this case. I found that many of the users had the same problem. Thanks!