sturmr New User


  • I've thried that and many other articles. I have a stack of them on my desk, so far no luck. I am attempting to either return the computer to the store where I bought it in exchange for another brand with Windows 7 or get ACER to honor their warranty and fix the problem. It has done this right out of the box and performing…
  • I was told yeaterday that Acer will not downgrade to Windows 7. They said purchase it yourself and do so at your own risk. Was also told that the the fact that Windows 8 will not download Windows updates or updates for their installed APPS that Acer will not honor that as part of their LIMITED warranty. This is a brand new…
  • I have now discovered that there is a conflict between Windows 8 and acer services causing dowload / update errors.
  • I too would like to downgrade to Windows 7. I purchased a laptop (Aspire V3-551-8469) with Windows 8 and have been working for 3 days to get upgrades to download. Windows 8 should never have been released...too many bugs!