steve01351 New User


  • Thanks Justin, but I ended up calling the number for the store and ordering over the phone.
  • Also, the store just continues to give a server error as soon as I enter either the serial # or the SNID. If someone who works for Acer is monitoring this, they should know that that's been the case since early last evening.
  • OK, I DID find a vanilla Windows 8 iso - made the DVD and installed it. But now it's insisting on a product ID before it'll activate. I thought that was in the BIOS?
  • You were indeed helpful. The store site - not so much. At least not tonight. Every time I enter either the serial number or SNID of the laptop in question into the box, the store has a "server error". This has been happening for at least 3-4 hours. Guess I'm not supposed to do anything about this tonight. But thanks for…
  • I can't find a copy of Windows 8. Everywhere I go wants me to take surveys or buy something. This IS infuriating... [edited to comply with guidelines]