sinkjoy New User


  • Agreed, but is 50% of the increase of 2133 to 3200. Anyway, the crucial memory finder got me memory for same price as the Corsair, running at 2666mhz, thanks!
  • Thanks for your help. I still don't understand how it's a "big difference" from 2133 to 3200 when the difference from 2133 to 2666 is exactly half the increase. It seems the gain would be 50% of "big", not "nil." Anyway, I've ordered from Crucial, so we'll see if that will give me the 2666. I just don't want to upgrade my…
  • No final brut gain? The 2666mhz clock is 25% faster than the 2133 clock, this must improve regular applications at least a bit. This pc is used for gaming mostly. I don't know but it seems there must be at least some performance improvements?