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  • My problem was solved, just follow what finlux said, but what I did is simply restore my laptop back to the time when the fn key for volume is still working and it worked!, I don't revert back to Win 8. If you don't have any restore point then after upgrade to Win 8.1 wherein the fn key still works (or the fn key for…
  • Thanks finlux for clearing it up, I also figure this out quite earlier. Before, I had issues with my touchpad, but then when I upgrade from Win 8.1 and installed the latest drivers from Acer for 8.1, it was fixed, but then it gave me new issue, which is the fn + up/down keys and F8 for adjusting volume just stopped working.
  • I also experience that same issue/s right now, I just upgraded to Win 8.1, and everything is working perfectly but after few weeks, the fn + up and down and fn + F8 for volume doesn't work, while the other fn + F# keys/ combos are working properly. BTW, I don't use Launch Manager, cause it really doesn't work, the OSD…