rs03ali New User


  • Ok, thanks for your efforts
  • should have added this: Conclusion Crash dumps are enabled but no valid crash dumps have been found. In case you are experiencing system crashes, it may be that crash dumps are prevented from being written out. Check out the following article for possible causes: If crash dumps are not written out.
  • Did not find a \minidump folder under windows, but ran the whocrashed program and got these results: System Information (local) Computer name: ROBERT-PC Windows version: Windows 10 , 10.0, build: 14393 Windows dir: C:\Windows Hardware: Aspire GX-785, Acer, Aspire GX-785(KBL) CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU…
  • Had another incident this morning. Machine unexpectedly seemed to completely shut down: screen went black, lighted keyboard shut off, red V light on front of machine went off, then red V light came back on and there was again what sounded like something spinning up or increasing in speed. At this point the machine does not…
  • Installed the new NVIDIA drivers. I will give it some time to see how it goes and respond later.
  • I will try these things and respond tomorrow. Thanks.
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX1060, 3GB Monitor is Asus, HDMI
  • SMBIOS Version 3.0 Bios Version Date: American Megatrends Inc., R02-A2, 03/17/2017