rickerdu11 New User


  • One more thing. Just maybe you guys can help identify the problem. On planetside 2, cpu intensive game, when ever I get into firefights. My fps remains decent but I can't seem to turn too well and look around and I get a sound grind but there are No issues walking and no fps drop. My cpu gets close to 100%. This started…
  • Overclocking* sorry spell check
  • What about overlooking, I just need a tad bit more cpu, if I'm thinking in the right place. (Still learning) if I'm right it's possible as long as you don't go too far.
  • Am I able to upgrade cpu in any way? Especially especially if the game fps bottleneck is the cpu. Which would benefit me more in say a game like planetside 2?
  • ok I'll have to check out newegg for RAM. Is there any other types of upgrades that I may be able to make?