relm9 New User


  • That just looks like normal tearing to me. If your FPS is over 100 you will get tearing. Can you reproduce that artifact by leaving the values within the G-Sync range of 30-100?
  • Well, the G-Sync range is not 30-144 on a 100 Hz monitor. The G-Sync range top out at whatever the max refresh rate of the monitor is. You mentioned you were getting over 100 FPS at times so that's the only reason I bring this up. If you are getting tearing below 100 then something is wrong.
  • When this happens is your FPS over 100? G-Sync is no longer active once going past the monitor's refresh rate (in this case 100 Hz) and tearing will become evident. You can avoid this by locking your frames to 99.9 using Rivatuner or similar. Or turn VSync on in the Nvidia control panel, it'll activate only when your FPS…
  • Ah ok, the font here made that B look like a G. sorry. Yeah, the PB278Q is indeed PLS.
  • Do you have overdrive on extreme? Normal looks better to me, but yes there is some trailing artifacts (ghosting) on mine as well. I've had that on every IPS panel. Actually every LCD I've used had it, but I've not used faster TNs like the PG278Q. What you are seeing is normal though, I recommend taking a look at…
  • I don't really see any noticeable ghosting. But I may just be used to it, I've used IPS-type displays for a long time now (past 10 years). Those TN displays have a faster pixel response. The drawbacks of TN however largely overshadow any of the postitives in my opinion.